Canning Homemade Chicken Bone Broth

Hey there! Hope you are having a great day!

I canned some homemade chicken bone broth the other day, and wanted to share my very simple recipe!

I made a video of how I do this as well, so be sure to check that out here!


Organic chicken bones (I cook a whole chicken and we eat it for dinner, then I save the bones to use to make the broth)

Purified water

salt and pepper

carrots, onion, celery

apple cider vinegar


Add all of the ingredients to a crock pot and fill to the top with the purified water, and let cook on low for 12+  hours

After it is done cooking, you can strain everything out, and reboil the broth while getting your canner ready.

Once the broth is boiling, you can fill empty quart jars, get those lids on, and put them in your canner.

Then process the quarts for 25 minutes at 10 pounds of pressure!

Easy peasy!

What is your favorite thing to can?

Let me know in the comments!


The Unhealthy Husband

Are you married to a man that loves to eat candy, drink soda, and likes to indulge in a whole pan of brownies in one sitting?

So was I.

When I first met my husband, he was eating some of the most unhealthy foods and didn’t seem to care.

You should have seen his face when I asked him why he was eating so much white bread. I told him, “the whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead”.

He looked at me like I was crazy, and all the while, I was trying to keep him healthy.

As the years went on, he developed a strong craving for candy. Sour patch kids, Twizzlers, Reese’s, and all those processed sugars.

And when he worked out of town, because he is cheap, he survived off a diet of Ramen noodles, which I told him before was possibly the worst food he could ever eat.

MSG, TBHQ, and high sodium were never meant for our bodies to consume. Eating Ramen noodles is like drinking a can of MSG, TBHQ, and sodium.

It turned my husbands gut into a blood bath. And proceeded to exit his body in that fashion.

We ended up at the doctor’s office one day because he was having bloody stools and he really thought he may have had colon cancer. Thankfully, it was just a bad case of hemorrhoids.

I continued to make comments about why he should eat healthier food and not consume any processed foods and artificial ingredients.

His usual answer was, “I’ll be okay, it’s just food! You’re making a big deal for nothing, it’s all the same.”

But over time, he ended up having to pay the piper.

It was then that he realized that it was time to make some changes.

He stopped eating processed food, drinking soda, and cut way back on the candy. He started walking, drinking lots of water, and green tea with lemon.

After much resistance, he eventually broke and became the one reading the ingredients at the store before buying anything (he used to make fun of me for looking at the ingredients). 

And ever since he changed his eating habits, he hasn’t had any issues like he had before when he was eating so unhealthily.

He grew accustomed to my homemade, non-processed food, and began wanting to cook his own homemade foods as well. It created a new passion and hobby for both of us.

Now we both enjoy doing this together, and he has thanked me for never giving up on my healthy food preaching.

Since then he has learned how to make his own chicken sausage, andouille sausage (WITHOUT MSG), all the same Cajun delicacies without any extra ingredients, beef jerky, and other delicious homemade food.

This has fueled both of us to work together to become more self- sufficient, all the while saving money.

It’s been a win-win situation.

So don’t give up! If your husband is like that, don’t lose hope! Keep speaking the truth about why we need to eat healthy foods without all the artificial things in them.

You’ll save time, money, and your husband. 

You are not alone in the struggle to keep your family healthy!

So have a great day and let me know in the comments about your situation!






Freezer Meals That Save You Time & Money!!

Hey there! I hope you are having a great day!

Today I wanted to talk about why freezer meal prep is the best money and time saver!

Just recently, I discovered freezer meals. Basically, you put all the ingredients for a meal into a ziploc bag, and freeze it until you want to cook it in the crock pot. Then you just simply take out whatever meal you have prepped the night before, and it’ll be ready and thawed the next day to throw into the crock pot.

And that’s it!

Your dinner is cooking and you put practically no time into it at all because you did all the “work” previously by putting all the ingredients together ahead of time!

The first time I tried it, I spent about $140 and got about 21 crock pot dinners out of it.




That’s really not that bad considering there’s only 30-31 days in a month. There was always left overs, so it stretched throughout the whole month for me! I was hooked after that!

This is why it saves you SO MUCH money. Just think about all the days you turn around and it’s almost 5 pm and you haven’t even thought about what you are going to make for dinner.

You may either decide to order food, or go to the store last minute and end up spending $40 on one meal!

By making a list of all the meals, and all the ingredients you need, and heading out to the store in one trip —- you save all the time, energy, stress, and money you would be spending if you didn’t prep ahead!

I got the idea completely from this smart lady!

If you are tired of cooking every day and want to save a ton of money, I highly suggest giving freezer meal prep a try! It’ll make your life so much less stressed and chaotic when it comes to feeding your family!!!!

Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried and, and share some of your favorite recipes!

Take care,




Walks With Amanda || Episode 5: Discipline

Hello! I hope you are having a fabulous day! And I hope you had a good holiday season that just passed!

I want to continue sharing my free audio program for moms out there!

On this walk today, I talk about discipline and how I used it to create a loving relationship with my own child!

I may say some things that most people don’t agree with —- but that’s ok. Everyone is different. And everyone does life differently.

I am simply sharing what worked for me and my child in hopes of encouraging other moms to keep at whatever discipline they are using.

I hope you enjoy the topic and hope you have a fantastic day!


Walks With Amanda || Episode 5: Discipline

Walks With Amanda || Episode 4: How To Connect With Your Child

Hello! I hope you are having a great day!

On this walk today, I talk about how to connect with your child to build that bond that every mom wants to have with their children.

I share my own experience, and how I built a relationship with my son!

I hope that you will find some ideas and encouragement from this walk today!

Stay warm wherever you are today!



Walks With Amanda || Episode 4: How To Connect With Your Child

Walks With Amanda || Episode 3: Public School VS Homeschool

Hello! I hope you are having a great day today!

Today on my walk, I discuss the public school system vs. homeschooling and my experience with both.

Join me on a walk and let me extend my understanding of all the things that come with putting our children in school, and what happened when I took him out of it.

If you are struggling with either one, join me for a walk today and gain some encouragement from my experiences!

Have a fabulous day!


Walks With Amanda || Episode 3: Public School VS Homeschool

Walks With Amanda || Episode 02: What Happened When I Took Videogames Away From my Child!

Hello! I hope you are having a fabulous day!

I know I said that I would be putting up a new audio once a week, but I am on such a roll with these that I just can’t wait that long to put it out there!

I hope you are as excited as I am about this new project!

I hope you are able to listen and that the topics are of interest to you!

Got any questions or ideas that you might like to hear about? Feel free to leave me any suggestions!

In the audio today, I talk about what happened when I took video games away from my child!

I know a lot of parents out there struggle with the whole children and technology thing going on in our society, so I thought it’d be nice to hear from a mom who actually took it away and the amazing results it created!

I hope you enjoy today’s topic!


Walks With Amanda || Episode 2: What happened when I took video games away from my child!

2 Most Effective Ways To Balance Your Hormones

Over the past year or so, I’ve been on my own journey of learning about myself—how to take care of my self the right way, what works for me in life, and what doesn’t —– and I’ve learned some pretty amazing and useful things that have helped me not only gain a ton of understanding in life, but which have changed my life for the better.

One of those things has been learning about how to truly and easily balance my hormones.

I didn’t intend to learn about it, but one day at the library I searched for some topic on hormones, and what came up was a new book called, “Hangry: 5 Simple Steps To Balance Your Hormones and Restore Your Joy” by Sarah Fragoso and Brooke Kalanick. 

So I checked out the book for obvious reasons, and began reading about how to naturally balance your hormones without a bunch of mumbo jumbo to understand or read about.

And although the book has a TON of useful information about balancing your hormones, the 2 most effective ways that I have found that I truly implemented in my own life since reading the book have been:

  1. SLEEP
  2. Going for a 45 minute walk for AT LEAST 5 days a week

Simple, right? 🙂

So let me briefly share my experience with these two essential things!

I don’t know about everybody else, but I am another creature when I don’t get enough sleep. Some people might be able to just wake up super early and go go go all day without truly feeling exhausted.

I am not one of them. And that is okay.

Over the course of the year, I have let myself get back into my natural sleep cycle which happens to be about 10:30-11:00 pm until 7:00 -9:00 am. I do wake up sometimes in the middle of the night. And what I used to do is get up because I didn’t think I’d be able to fall back asleep.

But over the past year, I didn’t care how long it took —- I kept my eyes shut and waited until my body put itself back to sleep and always woke up more rested than if I would have just given in and woken up early.

Not sure how to get that sleep your body so desperately needs?

Here are some helpful tips.

  1. If you have trouble falling asleep because your mind won’t shut off with thoughts, try telling yourself some soothing things like, “It’s okay to fall asleep right now”, or use a mantra like, “Deep sleep, deep peace”. Our minds won’t just shut themselves off. We need to consciously focus and tell ourselves that it is time to sleep, that it is okay to fall asleep, and that sleep is good for us!
  2. Try mediation breathing as you are falling asleep by focusing your mind on breathing in, and breathing out. This one puts me to sleep faster than anything else!

So yes, ladies, SLEEP is one of the most important factors in balancing our hormones. Our bodies get pushed into all kinds of nasty overdrive when we don’t get enough sleep. We rob ourselves of feeling good and ready to take on the day when we don’t get enough sleep.

So my advice is to do whatever it takes to put sleep as a top priority in your life if you truly want to feel better and have more energy and not feel like a chicken running around with your head cut off in life like I have for so many years prior!!!

And then number 2 is the 45 minute walk at least 5 days a week.

This one thing has become my saving grace in the middle of the day when all I want is a break from life. Where I live I have the 4 seasons, and a beautiful bike path that is close by. I go there everyday around 2:00 pm and go for a 45 minute walk.

It’s in nature.

It’s quiet.

It’s peaceful.

Ever since implementing this habit, I have felt, literally felt, the change in my body, emotions, and energy.

It’s one of those things that until you experience it for yourself, it’s very hard to explain.

Even if you can’t get out in nature on a beautiful bike path in the middle of the day like I am able to, you can:

  • Hit up a treadmill at the gym or in your own home
  • You can go for a walk around your neighborhood
  • You can go to the park and walk around the baseball field
  • You can go to the local school and walk around the track
  • You can go for a hike in the woods
  • You can walk around your own house if need be, just to get that walking in each day.

The reason walking is so amazing for balancing hormones and for good health in general is because when we walk, the right and left side of our bodies align, and create some kind of magic in our brain that releases amazing chemicals.

Walking is also a way for our body to deal with built up emotions and stress. Through walking, our body processes the emotions and stress, leaving us feeling better and lighter!

So that is why I encourage you to try these things out for yourself if you are struggling with hormonal imbalances!

Just remember, you are worth it! You are worth taking care of yourself, at whatever the cost! Other things can wait —- you need to take care of your body if you want to feel better and have a more balanced hormonal situation!

Leave a comment about any other easy and effective ways that you know of to bring balance back into our lives!


Why People Lose Weight Eating Real Food

I have wanted to write this blog post for a while, and now I am finally pumped up enough to write it all out. I just started reading “The Brain Diet” and it gave me that extra kick to want to share what I already had researched and knew to be true in terms of why people who eat real food actually lose weight, and people who don’t gain a LOT of weight over time.

Everything I am going to share can be googled and read and researched, so don’t mind my lack of citation for information shared. I am not a doctor, or any kind of expert in this stuff. I am just a regular person who has become passionate and interested in all of this information, and now that I understand it simply, I want to pass it on to anyone who cares to read it! 🙂

So the simplest way I can explain it is by saying this: when you only eat processed foods, simple carbs (bread, candy, pastries, etc.) —- your body turns all that food you ate into UN-USABLE FAT.

Say this out loud: “UN-USABLE FAT”.

So after eating these types of food, not only does the body store it as fat that CAN NOT BE USED for energy, your body now also thinks you didn’t feed it anything, so you are STILL HUNGRY. This in turns leads to obesity and a host of other health problems.

On top of that already startling information, the body then becomes TOTALLY dependent on these types of foods, and you will only crave them, and train your body to depend on them alone.

It is a vicious cycle. You only eat non-nutrient filled foods, your body turns it into un-usable fat, and thinks you didn’t feed it anything, so you are still hungry, and all you crave, still, are the non-nutritious foods you are already addicted to eating!

I had this problem for years! But I never became obese, thankfully. It wasn’t that I ate A LOT — it was that, when I did eat, which wasn’t THAT much, all I wanted was simple carbs. I lived off of bagels, cereal, toast, pasta filled foods, pizza, and snack bars. I rarely ate fruit and vegetables or dairy. I had absolutely no idea about gut bacteria enhancing foods/drinks or about anything that might be beneficial to my body.

I thought since I wasn’t in any way overweight, I had nothing to worry about.

But that turned out to be a lie. There came a point when all of it finally caught up to me when I was 29. I found myself chronically tired, sitting on the couch all day, taking naps, having no life or energy whatsoever. I was depressed, irritable, and getting sick a lot in the winter times. This was SO not me!

At first, I thought it was all hormone-related, so I sought to change that. And for a minute, the changes I made seemed to have some positive effects.

But it wasn’t until this past January, after hearing about the whole 30 diet, and learning about leaky gut, which sent me into the land of fermented drinks and soaked grains and the need for LOTS of fruit and vegetables, that anything real and lasting has happened in terms of change for the better.

I cut out my un-soaked oatmeal for breakfast, stopped eating home made pizza, stopped eating all pasta, and stopped eating bread of any kind and replaced all of that with meat, fruit, and vegetables.

After only a week or so of that, I felt like I had all the energy of my 20’s back and I was HAPPY! I started a workout routine (free on youtube by fitnessblender) and it was like I got my life back! I was living again, no longer tired, and no more mid-day naps!!! I lost the 5 pounds I did actually gain over those miserable carb-only-eating years in a month’s time, and have kept it off since!

Now here is why eating real food actually makes people lose weight—— when you eat real food, your body recognizes it as actual food, and immediately uses that food you just ate for energy and all the things the body needs. It doesn’t turn it into un-usable fat unless you eat a ton of extra calories and gain weight from that, but eventually, your body will use that stored fat because it was stored by real foods. (Eventually, your body uses the un-usable fat too, when you are lacking in calories but eating real food too). But the difference is —- when you eat real food, your body knows that you ate, and therefore you are satisfied and no longer constantly hungry or craving only carbs to eat. You start wanting REAL food, and you will be surprised how sweet fruit becomes to the tongue!


So, to keep this short and to the point: if you find yourself in a slum-carb phase of life, and you are gaining weight, always tired, and only eating/craving carbs —— I promise you from personal experience that trashing the carbs and replacing it with REAL food such as bacon, sweet potatoes, broccoli, apples, strawberries, blueberries, and any other type of real food you can find —- you will not only come back to life, but you will start shedding the extra weight if you stay active on a regular basis! 🙂


Soaked Whole Wheat Egg Noodles!

Here is a very simple home made soaked egg noodle recipe that I have been using for my chicken soup recipes! 🙂

The night before you want to make the egg noodles mix together:

  • 3 cups white whole wheat flour (I use King Arthur’s stone ground)
  • 3 TBS apple cider vinegar
  • 2/3 cups warm purified water
  • 2 egg yolks

Add all these ingredients and knead in a bowl until smooth.

Cover with plastic wrap and let soak overnight.

Dough Ready To Soak

The day you want to make the egg noodles add:

  • 1 TBS of salt to the soaked dough and knead it into the dough.

Separate the dough into about 3 balls and roll the dough out. I just so happened to find this pasta maker at a rummage sale and have been using it to now make the egg noodles and home made spaghetti (recipe coming!) and it is so easy!

Pasta Maker and Noodles On The Side!

But even if you don’t have a pasta maker, you can roll out the dough with a rolling pin to a pretty thin piece, and then cut it up using a pizza cutter, or just a butter knife — whatever you have on hand. It all comes out the same anyways! 🙂

After I make them into the noodle shape, I boil the noodles for about 5 minutes or so, and then I store them in a tupperware for when I am ready to make my home made chicken noodle soup! It is as simple as that!