The #1 Tip For Cleaning/Organizing Any Space

So I know there are already a million and one blogs out there detailing how to get organized and how to clean any thing on earth.

But I have one simple thing to share that has been my rock and cornerstone of cleaning/organizing ever since I fell in love with being organized and clean!

My # 1 tip for cleaning/organizing any space is to simply:


And that is it!

Whether I am cleaning a closet, my living room, my kitchen cabinets, my car, or underneath the bathroom sink —- I always follow this simple and effective process.

I’ll walk you through an example.

Let’s say I am cleaning out underneath my kitchen sink. I will first take everything out from under the sink. Then I will clean under the sink with cleaning spray or vacuum it if it needs it. Then I will go through what was under the sink and either throw it away if I don’t need it, or organize everything that was under the sink and put it all back in that organized way.

VOILA! You have yourself a clean/organized space!

I hope this helps and possibly pass it along to someone who might need it!

Have a great day!


The Unhealthy Husband

Are you married to a man that loves to eat candy, drink soda, and likes to indulge in a whole pan of brownies in one sitting?

So was I.

When I first met my husband, he was eating some of the most unhealthy foods and didn’t seem to care.

You should have seen his face when I asked him why he was eating so much white bread. I told him, “the whiter the bread, the sooner you’re dead”.

He looked at me like I was crazy, and all the while, I was trying to keep him healthy.

As the years went on, he developed a strong craving for candy. Sour patch kids, Twizzlers, Reese’s, and all those processed sugars.

And when he worked out of town, because he is cheap, he survived off a diet of Ramen noodles, which I told him before was possibly the worst food he could ever eat.

MSG, TBHQ, and high sodium were never meant for our bodies to consume. Eating Ramen noodles is like drinking a can of MSG, TBHQ, and sodium.

It turned my husbands gut into a blood bath. And proceeded to exit his body in that fashion.

We ended up at the doctor’s office one day because he was having bloody stools and he really thought he may have had colon cancer. Thankfully, it was just a bad case of hemorrhoids.

I continued to make comments about why he should eat healthier food and not consume any processed foods and artificial ingredients.

His usual answer was, “I’ll be okay, it’s just food! You’re making a big deal for nothing, it’s all the same.”

But over time, he ended up having to pay the piper.

It was then that he realized that it was time to make some changes.

He stopped eating processed food, drinking soda, and cut way back on the candy. He started walking, drinking lots of water, and green tea with lemon.

After much resistance, he eventually broke and became the one reading the ingredients at the store before buying anything (he used to make fun of me for looking at the ingredients). 

And ever since he changed his eating habits, he hasn’t had any issues like he had before when he was eating so unhealthily.

He grew accustomed to my homemade, non-processed food, and began wanting to cook his own homemade foods as well. It created a new passion and hobby for both of us.

Now we both enjoy doing this together, and he has thanked me for never giving up on my healthy food preaching.

Since then he has learned how to make his own chicken sausage, andouille sausage (WITHOUT MSG), all the same Cajun delicacies without any extra ingredients, beef jerky, and other delicious homemade food.

This has fueled both of us to work together to become more self- sufficient, all the while saving money.

It’s been a win-win situation.

So don’t give up! If your husband is like that, don’t lose hope! Keep speaking the truth about why we need to eat healthy foods without all the artificial things in them.

You’ll save time, money, and your husband. 

You are not alone in the struggle to keep your family healthy!

So have a great day and let me know in the comments about your situation!






Freezer Meals That Save You Time & Money!!

Hey there! I hope you are having a great day!

Today I wanted to talk about why freezer meal prep is the best money and time saver!

Just recently, I discovered freezer meals. Basically, you put all the ingredients for a meal into a ziploc bag, and freeze it until you want to cook it in the crock pot. Then you just simply take out whatever meal you have prepped the night before, and it’ll be ready and thawed the next day to throw into the crock pot.

And that’s it!

Your dinner is cooking and you put practically no time into it at all because you did all the “work” previously by putting all the ingredients together ahead of time!

The first time I tried it, I spent about $140 and got about 21 crock pot dinners out of it.




That’s really not that bad considering there’s only 30-31 days in a month. There was always left overs, so it stretched throughout the whole month for me! I was hooked after that!

This is why it saves you SO MUCH money. Just think about all the days you turn around and it’s almost 5 pm and you haven’t even thought about what you are going to make for dinner.

You may either decide to order food, or go to the store last minute and end up spending $40 on one meal!

By making a list of all the meals, and all the ingredients you need, and heading out to the store in one trip —- you save all the time, energy, stress, and money you would be spending if you didn’t prep ahead!

I got the idea completely from this smart lady!

If you are tired of cooking every day and want to save a ton of money, I highly suggest giving freezer meal prep a try! It’ll make your life so much less stressed and chaotic when it comes to feeding your family!!!!

Let me know in the comments if you’ve tried and, and share some of your favorite recipes!

Take care,
